Home What's your story

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Connection begins with a question: What's your story?

You can run What’s Your Story? in any of these contexts

For church

Get resources and guidance on how to run WYS in your church or Christian context.

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For families
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You can run WYS with your relatives or closest friends. Here’s how.

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For individuals
For individuals

Get ideas and mini resources for engaging in story-sharing in your daily life.

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For school
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Get tools and tips for using WYS to build connections and community at your school or campus.

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For the workplace
WYS for Workplace

Get all you need to run WYS at your workplace.

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“Stories are the single most powerful weapon in a leader’s arsenal.”
Howard Gardner, Harvard University

The power of a leader who listens


Musas Story Image

"Dance chose me"

These are the words of Musa Motha, a disabled dancer who recently got one of the biggest standing ovations in the history of Britain's Got Talent.

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Dr J at Rosebank Union 2
Bonolo Mokua

We need our elders' stories

When elders share their stories, it bridges generational gaps, fosters understanding, and creates a sense of continuity between the past, present and future.

Read more about We need our elders' stories
Akona 2

Grace and compassion – the cornerstones in my mental health journey

Akona did not let an attempted carjacking and psychotic episode derail her from being the mother her son deserves.

Read more about Grace and compassion – the cornerstones in my mental health journey

Learning to walk again after a traumatic accident

Sphiwe's accident left permanent scars on her legs that drove her into hiding from the public, but now she walks with confidence again.

Read more about Learning to walk again after a traumatic accident
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A tale of reconciliation in Tshwane

Here's how What's Your Story? was used to start an ongoing process of reconciliation between church leaders in Tshwane.

Read more about A tale of reconciliation in Tshwane
Marcella major shares her story to heal the wounds of her past

Sharing her story to heal the wounds of her past

She has no regrets about her past despite a childhood filled with abuse and trauma. Read more about Sharing her story to heal the wounds of her past
I am an image

The What's Your Story? project was made possible through the support of a grant from Templeton Religion Trust. The opinions expressed on this website are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Templeton Religion Trust.