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For families

For families

Our families are filled with stories. From the moment we’re born to all the joys, milestones, disappointments, and even heartaches, that follow, our families bear witness to key moments in our lives. But when it comes to personal storytelling, it’s sometimes easier to share our stories with total strangers than our own family.

We have put together several courses and resources to help you use our story-sharing approach in your family. If you haven’t already, please sign up to access all the courses.

How to run WYS with your family

  • We have two main approaches for doing What's Your Story? with your family, one includes video and the other uses a short booklet that you can read to guide you in story-sharing in your home.
  • For Read and talk, download and read through the booklet. Then, choose from some of the proposed ideas and begin a story-sharing journey with the people in your home or family.
  • For Watch and talk, we have a video, The Story of Mamakie and her Mom, that you can watch with your family, and some follow-up questions to discuss together afterwards.
  • You can also look through our other recommended courses and resources below to see if there is something else that would work well for your family.
  • If you’d like to run What’s Your Story?in a larger context, view our resources for church, school and workplaces, or browse our full range of courses and resources. 
  • If you would like help with running What’s Your Story? please contact our team.

Courses for families

Resources for families

WYS for Families Cover

WYS for Families - Read and Talk

In this mini resource, we offer you some ideas on how to do story-sharing in your family.

Download Available
Read more about WYS for Families - Read and Talk
WYS for Families discussion questions 1

WYS for Families - Watch and Talk

In this mini resource, we offer you some ideas on how to do story-sharing in your family using video and discussion points.

Download Available
Read more about WYS for Families - Watch and Talk
Ask Listen Tell Cover

Ask. Listen. Tell.

In this mini resource, Ask. Listen. Tell, we explore how to create safe spaces for story-sharing.

Download Available
Read more about Ask. Listen. Tell.
WYS for Reconciliation Cover

WYS for Reconciliation

A toolkit for churches and small groups to promote understanding through personal storytelling. 

Download Available
Read more about WYS for Reconciliation