

Reflect on the experience of All that we share, and for homework begin to prepare to tell by using a series of questions.

Activity: Reflect in journals (15 min)

  • What most surprised you about this activity?

  • How did it feel being put into a box or category?

  • What did you learn from this exercise about yourself and about your classmates?

  • Encourage learners to reflect on stereotypes:

  • What is a stereotype, and why is it not a good idea to stereotype people?

  • See Keywords for an explanation.

Homework: My life through questions

The learners must answer the questions below in their journal.

They should ask family members to help them answer the questions:

  • Where did my family come from? What is my heritage?

  • What is the meaning of my name, and is there a story behind it?

  • Where was I born and raised?

The learners must then answer the questions below for themselves.

  • What are some of the big events or turning points in my life that have helped define who I am?

  • What makes me unique?

  • What are the anchoring beliefs or values by which I live my life?

  • What are some significant achievements, events, or experiences that have shaped my life?

  • What are some of my own future goals?

  • What are my hopes for my family’s wellbeing, and the wellbeing of my community and country?