

Together with the learners, you brainstorm and then agree on a code of behaviour that will support them feeling safe and respected in the classroom.

Activity: Contracting (15 min)

Step 1: Define contracting

Definition: A contract is a set of rules and behaviour that learners and teachers agree to observe. Contracting is a process whereby teachers openly discuss with learners how they want everyone in the class to treat one another. It is an agreement on how everyone will treat one another.

    Step 2: Learners reflect

    Prepare learners to develop a class contract. Ask them to reflect on their experiences of being in a class with others. Write down their responses on the chalkboard. Alternatively, learners can write their ideas in their journals. You might use prompts like these below to structure their reflections:

    • Identify a time when you have felt comfortable sharing your ideas and questions in a class. What happened in those moments to help you feel comfortable?

    • Identify when you have had ideas or questions, but did not share them. Why not? What was happening or what were you feeling that made you uncomfortable to share?

      Step 3: Discuss in small groups

      Ask students to discuss, in small groups, the values and behaviours they would like to have in the classroom.


      • What would create a safe, respectful, productive learning environment?
      • Invite students to edit this list by deleting, revising, or adding to it.