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Engaging male care givers in their child's early learning
Early childhood development

Early childhood development

The importance of a father or father figure’s involvement with his child’s learning journey - especially at an early stage - is not always appreciated or understood. Given that a child's brain develops more than any other time in life between birth and the age of five, involvement at this stage is crucial and affects a child’s ability to learn and develop.

This is why Fathers Matter has worked with early childhood development (ECD) experts and practitioners to create a resource toolkit that will empower and equip ECD practitioners to engage male caregivers in their child’s early learning.

More about the toolkit

Following an informal formative research process, we are in the process of developing a free toolkit to help equip ECD practitioners.

The toolkit will include four short animations and two written resources that can be shared for free on email and WhatsApp. There will also be copies available in printed format.

These are the topics we cover in the toolkit:

  • Why do fathers matter in the context of ECD
  • The father-friendly ECD centre
  • Help fathers become partners in educating their children
  • Educating mothers and caregivers about the role of fathers

Download the research summary

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FM ECD Project Research Summary
1.778 MB

If you are an ECD Practitioner or work in the ECD field, here’s how you can partner with us

Email  simone@heartlines.org.za to find out more about the toolkit. Or you can fill in this form.

Invite a Heartlines Fathers Matter facilitator to:

  • Host a workshop at your ECD centre or organisation
  • Speak at your parents' meeting

    Share the Fathers Matter ECD resources with collegues, associates and anyone else who might be interested in learning more about father involvement at the ECD level

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