
Showing resources filtered by Presentations

Intro Session 1

Presentation: Introduction Module, Session 1

Part one of our recommended introductory module for all teachers interested in using a What's Your Story? course in their school or class. 

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Intro Session 1

Presentation: Introduction Module, Session 2

Part two of our recommended introductory module for all teachers interested in using a What's Your Story? course in their school or class.

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Social Media

Presentation: Social Media Guidelines

This presentation offers guidance on how to apply the principles of private and public telling to social media.

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Pyramid presentation

Presentation: Pyramid Story Structure

This presentation will help teachers guide learners through the different components of the pyramid narrative structure. 

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Emotional Awareness Presentation

Presentation: Emotional Awareness

This presentation can be used to guide learners through concepts such as self-awareness, how emotions can help or hinder them, and how to regulate emotions using some practical tools. 

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Frame Presentation

Presentation: Frame: Culture, Values, Bias

This presentation helps learners develop a deeper understanding of the factors that frame their personal, unconscious bias when they engage with others.

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Public Pvt Telling Presentation

Presentation: Public and Private Telling

This presentation explores how to help learners cultivate and identify safe spaces for sharing personal stories. 

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